Thursday, September 18, 2014


I wonder what makes America one of the richest country in the world and have the title of Big Brother...The people residing in America doesn't have their roots to their origin...most of them are immigrants who came in search for jobs during industrial revolution in America...probably at the time of Andrew Carnegie's raise at the time of depression....

They are taught to be independent....They take risk...They invest more than save...They are the one who found the way of money multiplying effect and for which the proof is Wall Street...

The most important is education system....They have the curriculum in academics for "Entrepreneur", "Creativity & Innovation"....In India these are taught as VAP (Value added programme) that to only in Urban schools or colleges by trained public speaker....

Americans know the importance of Public Speaking...everyone tends to improve upon these skills...

So what went wrong in India...Why it's still in Under-developing country...

I could find many but would list few which could be the change:

I would not say Political System is the reason for this but would like to narrow it down to the root cause for it...and cause is Politicians...The hunger for the power has taken away the moral and social responsibility...they rather look for improving their wealth in there tenure of five years....We still get the promises from our politicians about getting the good roads, 24 hours water supply & electricity..we have to strive hard to get the basic needs and if we see one candidate doing that, he is elected for next 5 years...


In contrast...America, they rather strive to improve the lives of citizens of America much better than the previous government...I still remember how the "Health Care Reforms"made Obama to have sleepless nights...He would been seen in White house, getting burgers to his employees working late night....People protesting on roads, subways, in front of local government offices, in front of white house to get the issue resolved on Health Care policy...

Later Obama passed the bill of Health Care which eradicated the worst practices of insurance companies, annual and lifetime coverage caps, providing subsidies to poor to enable poor to buy insurance, web based insurance where consumers can compare the price and purchase plans was then known as Obamacare....

The politicians in America strive hard to improve the conditions of residents and make sure there needs are satisfied first...they think only about the improvement of economy as a whole...

Hope things are changing now in the land of oldest civilisation...INDIA...Thanks to Modi government, Modi is getting investments from foreign land which provides more direct and indirect employment opportunity to the residents of India...His recent visit to Japan has made the whole world to look at India in terms of human resource and skill sets and India,which is going to be the youngest population of workforce by 2020.

The Big Brother has rolled down the red carpet to our Guju guy to get the best out of India in terms of potential economic and trade ties between India and USA...but we have more expectations from our Prime Minister to get more investments to India....

We have to wait till Modi's visit to US on 29 September...!!!!!!!!

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